Friday, May 7, 2010

D Day

Talk, talk, talk. BAM.  Its here.  Gave notice on Wednesday and they accepted my two weeks notice.
Next day, unhappy, fear ruling boss decides Friday should be my last day.  So as not to disrupt the office morale, you know. . .
Freaking a bit about an entire week without pay.  But looking forward to sleeping until I am sick of it for 5 days straight!

By the Way - Last week I was whining that my pants were too big.  So I inserted a bagel and (light) cream cheese per day into my diet.  Did you know that you can go from Zero to Puffy in only a week with the Bagel and Cream Cheese breakfast?  Only one week and you too, can go from wha, wha, "I am too small" to "be careful what you wish for, stupid." =)

Trying to hear Philippians 2.12-13 today:

12Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.

(Think that means I am supposed to pray AND work on it. =))

Last time you will catch me in this L-Shaped Fantasy. . .


  1. So where's the new job?? Deets, please.

  2. I hope you like your new job. What will you be doing?

  3. God is so good to us...He listens even when we think He isn't. And then He answers...SAY WHAT???

  4. Hi Guys! I am heading back to commercial interior design. Now that things are settled, I am so excited! Get to wine and dine for a living again. Yah!
