Tuesday, September 28, 2010

little bites

so i guess my problem isn't accomplishing things.  its doing it all at once.  after some much needed respite in my beloved bathroom stall at work, i have come to the realization that i might be trying to bite off too much of this charleston chew life i have.

here is what i need to get done before next week:

-file chapter 13, reorganizing my finances
-take a credit counseling session.  where they will ask a hundred times if i have any 401k's i can cash out or relatives i can borrow money from.  is that counseling or coercion?
-get signed paper work from a one marginally functional ex husband
-fix my car from the bumper hockey incident.  (now a big deal since state farm says it is two claims for two sides.  really?  valuable lessons they are teaching me.  geico is better.)
-get an oil change and maybe a new catalytic converter
-take kelley to the vet for some new allergy
-buy a vacuum.  dang it i freaking hate carpet.
-sleep enough not to get the bronchitis that is heading down my throat right now.
-have fun! =)

really its not that bad.  i am really blessed.  just have to take small bites and chew longer.  i find that so frustrating!!! my specialty is being wrapped up tight.  or as mari says (cause we both do it) have a death grip on my life and relationships.   is it so bad that i like to be in control?   i dont mind letting go if I have everything in my grasp sorted out. . .=)
dark hair for fall.  sort of nice to feel a little more hispanic. =)

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