What an ugly word. . . Advice. No one wants any.
But I seem to be doling out more the older I get.
So let's dedicate this post to advice for a single girl, me.
You'll pardon me if I talk to myself in the next few paragraphs. . .
1. First things first. Yes you are getting older. But not old. Fear not when a 26
year old looks at you across the table with a crinkle in his nose because he just realized
you are over 30. Yeah, it happens. . .getting older I mean. Geez, even the 26 year old punk is getting older by the second. And I imagine, if he keeps drinking that way will definitely look older than you at 31. At least fatter anyway. Comforting thought. . . anywho!
Be Proud and UnAfraid. Date older dudes, not ancient, but put together - okay over 30.
2. Enjoy yourself and every single (no pun intended) moment. Don't let anyone rush you into finding the dude, having babies, or even running to the sperm bank when you turn 35 and think your biological clock batteries are almost dead. God does have you in mind. And frankly, everyone's life and history is not meant to be identical. How disgusting would it be if everyone did the same things on exactly the same timeline. I would at least like to pretend that we are not all meaningless androids with no course directions or individual thoughts. Maybe you will be old when you have babies. Maybe you will get a job in Russia and meet the perfect one at the totally wrong time and place. Somehow it will be so right.
3. Forgive yourself first. This one sounds weird to me, but I see it more clearly lately. So your screwed up. So not everyday is your shining moment. Seems like the older we get the less tolerance for errors we have. But in all actuality the errors seem to be bigger and more frequent. You are dealing with larger, more complex issues at work and at home. Its okay.
My Advice (cringe) is forgive yourself first. Its really hard to forgive the offended party for over reacting or even treat them with proper dignity when you can't get over how awful you are. Ask God to forgive you and pray for the victim of your idiocy, then read the Bible and remember how crazy most of the people God used in history were. Abraham and Sarah anyone? (Genesis 16)
4. Look Freaking Hot. This is not vanity! I tossed it around all the way home today. Wondering why when I take few extra minutes to put myself together and compile an outfit that is uniquely me - do I feel so much better? Obviously, you got to keep the pride in check. But I find myself relating better to the people around me, smiling more, accomplishing more over all.
Take time to put a little makeup on. Shave and put the Jasmine Honey lotion on. Spray a tinsy bit of Prada L'Orange on your collar bone. Stand in front of the closet for an extra 3 minutes; changing a couple outfits to see which one really works.
I promise this little trick will help most days that are on a sharp edge, round out really well.
good night! bed before 12am after a thoroughly amazing Restorative Yoga class. that cure for my creaking bones has got to happen more often! and i did it all by myself. =)
Love you. :)