Monday, March 29, 2010

I did it all by myself!

(picture is Doug, Me and Brad at Kalaloch Beach about 83')

Must have been around 1990.  We were at Yost Pool in Edmonds with Mom, Malia, Brad, Anna and me.  I miss that place.  Open air pool in the middle a park with huge Evergreen Trees all around.  Was always a little cold, but was like the secret happy place for the all the kids in the summer.  Used to dream about that place when I was little.
This particular day Mom had been brave enough to drag us all out to swim.  Think Malia was mostly a floater, not too much of a drowner at this point.  But Anna, who was about 3 was not yet a swimmer at all.  We all were assigned to watch out for her, especially since there wasn't much of a shallow end.
So Mom set Anna up on the edge of the pool for a moment while she turned around to make sure Malia wasn't sucking water.  When she turned back Anna Rose was completely absent.  Gone.  Don't know who spotted her first, but I remember seeing her, cross legged, sitting at the bottom of the pool.  I was appalled and yelled.  Mom grabbed her and pulled her back up and plopped her on the side.  Gasping like crazy, but full of energy, the tiny little red headed girl screeched.  "I did it! I did all by myself!!"  She wasn't scared at all.  She had fully intended to jump off the side and sit down right at the bottom of the pool.  Think I was about 12 and I remember being scared.  We couldn't believe it.  Fear never even came to her. She was determined and thankfully rescued.  It never hit her 3 year old mind that water was not a breathable substance for her. 
Even as we were leaving, I remember her saying "I did, I did it all by myself!"

I am jealous of the level of trust she had in all of us and her ability.  Obviously her line of thinking was a bit short sited, but at 3 years old she was fully confident in herself and the people around her.  So she dared. Being scrapped up from the bottom of the pool didn't bother her at all.  She wasn't ashamed or frightened in any way, just happy to have achieved her mission.  There were no tears, just smiles and fierce pride.
I want to feel failure less and see the pride and joy in my ridiculous ventures.  Yeah, mostly I will be getting yanked out from under the water, but God is amazing.  I should be fully confident in the dear people around me and my sweet Saviour Lord.  Less embarrassment of Failure. More Trust.

Thank you Miss Anna Rose Elene Nestor for such a poignant and perfect lesson.
Sure do love you dear sister, Anna Rose. 


  1. I miss you too friend!!! Not sure if I'll be able to make it to the East Coast before I head out... :( Love you!
