Thursday, April 29, 2010

I woke up at 6.43am on my own!!!

I think the world is ending today. . .
Never wake up on time let alone 2 minutes before my alarm clock.  Did actually sleep last night.
Turned up my little heater and fell asleep fast.  Forgot to kick the dogs off the bed too.
Hoping my comforter is not being chewed on right now. . .(Malia has a theory about Clyde chewing my comforter. . .he seem to only do it the day after I let him sleep on the bed. . .we shall see if the dog whisperer guessed it later. .. =)).
It was nuts. Just nuts.  I literally laid there comfy and warm and just felt ready to get up.  Took the dogs for a 25 minute runnish thing.  Drank some coffee and orange juice.  Had a hot shower and picked out a cute dress and scarf for work.  Walked out the door just a couple minutes early and arrived before my boss at work.

Am thinking I am gonna get struck by lightening later.  So just wanted to record this memo.=)
Even managed to swing by Vienna at lunch and pick up the second piece of my free couch set. . .
Something is wrong with this picture. . .Trying not to be too skeptical. . .but its hard.
Oh that's right!  Its sunny about 72 today too. . .

Just going to be thankful!!  Especially grateful for all my friends in Christ.  Maybe somebody has been praying for me? Had a great chat with my dear cousin Riah last night.  Seems like we have even more in common as adults and it is a sweet treat.  
As Vince says, "Spiritual Unity, Yo!"
Phillippians 1.3-5

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Happiness is. . .

A solar lamp (that actually works!).  An ikea table and free chair (found that by the side of the road a few weeks back).  And a strawberry mug that looks just like my Nana's.

I eat on the deck almost every day.  Usually sit on the steps.  Decided a chair might be nice and table even better.  The simple things are the best. Can't get over that cool red lamp.  Actually provides light and tilts to catch more rays during the day. $20 at Ikea folks. =)
'Tonight, I think we will have Girls Bible Study on the deck!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Lily White (and Yellow, Brown, and Red)

First things first. This really exists.  It happens when a nice, educated man from Northern Virginia puts on his beloved golf khakis in the first part of April.  Before he take his family on summer vacation to the Outerbanks.  It is so unfortunate, especially if you are the lucky duck riding up the escalator from the metro right behind him.  Just can't seem to look away.  Not what this post was supposed to be about, but could resist after my private viewing on the escalator this morning.

 Actually wanted to relate a story I heard behind me at Starbucks this morning.
Two guys.  Really don't know what they looked like, didn't want to stare.
I ordered my tall americano with room and the barista asked them what they would like.
They said "Medium Coffee".  Hurts my ears to hear coffee referred to as small, medium and large; like its a pop or something.
Never thought about until I ordered a "medium" the other day at a local coffee shop and got a grande.  Was trying to bend to the Mid American mindset of coffee as a commodity.  Guess I always thought medium would be a tall.  Guess not. Yuck, that is way too much coffee in one cup.

So, after they ordered there medium coffee (aka grande drip), they proceeded to talk about their rebellion against corporate america by ordering in small, medium, and large.
One man said, "Yeah, who says they get to change the language we order in anyway?  Besides, I absolutely refuse to learn anything.  Actually, I try not to learn anything new anymore at all.  I am just too old".
They chatter kept up in the same vein and I found myself unbelievably appalled at the implications these two had just spouted.
First of all, I guess culture is really unimportant to them.  They want their coffee in an American fashion and without any of the fruff of Italian culture Howard Schulz so carefully placed in his stores.  Second, the thought of learning nothing new or anything at all for that matter.  Geez..
As I walked out, I got a full glance. These guys couldn't have been older than 35, fair skin and nicely dressed.
Frightening!  Wouldn't want to be there co-workers or customers.

It never occurred to me that culture did not belong with the food you are eating. I thought that was the joy of partaking at an establishment, instead of at home.  You get imparted some of the beautiful difference that accompanies the food/drinks.
What about the "I try never to learn anything new"?  Shoot, if they are only 35, we are still stuck with the idiots for another 35 years and apparently they wont be any different at 70.
I really hope those two were a pair from bizarro land, but wondering if there are more where they come from.   These two happened to by fair, but I have heard olive, yellow and dark skinned folks talk in a similar fashion.  One such mediterranean import stated that he was not going to be forced to
worry about all the illegal immigrants and how they are overrunning our country.  I am sorry, did I just get transported into the twilight zone.  Didn't you just get off the boat a few years ago?

Enough, enough. I am getting all worked up. Just find myself a little outraged at some of the staunch and literal unwillingness to read, learn and entertain other thoughts and opinions.  Since when did I become such a flaming liberal? 

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Unreasonable Hope. A.K.A. Faith

Disneyland circa 1984.  Malia you are the coolest sister ever. That look is priceless!

This happens every time I try to write about some bitterness, God gives me some silly happiness that I can't ignore.  So instead of blah, blah, blah life sucks, long term happiness with a side of faith is on the menu. . .

Was talking to a friend this week about the legacies our parents give us; whether we like it or not.
Mom and Dad both had beautifully created humans for parents, but not the best familial recipes growing up.  Yet their story is so good, its not just incredible, its incredulous.

Once upon 1976, there was 17 year old surfer dude living in Waianae, Hawaii.
He pretty much lived to surf.  In fact when the school bus drove by the beach, if the surf was decent, he would bag school and head to waves.
Meanwhile, in Tacoma, Washington a pretty girl was graduating high school early and completing her Dental Assistant Certification. When she graduated her parents bought her a one way ticket to Oahu to stay with her sister, Charlotte and her family.

Charlotte lived in Waianae too and went to church with the surfer dude.  She really liked him for some reason.  So when she went to get her sister (Robin) from the airport, she invited him along.
Being the teenager that he was, he brought another girl, just in case.
But when he (Ricardo) saw Robin, he told the other girl that she and he were strictly friends.
Two weeks later, Cardo and Robin were engaged at 17.
Sound like a Lifetime movie?  Dont worry, they are just my parents.

And good ones they have been for the past 31 years.  Anytime I ever tell anyone about how my parents met and how young they were when they got married; their answer is, "well it was such a different time back then".  Really? Crazy decisions made in the 70's fall under some kind of protection against failure law? 
Am thinking not.  So whats the difference. . .

They were able to accomplish everything they needed.  Wasn't always in order, but it always worked out.
My dad enrolled in College and my mom found a job as a Dental Assistant on the Island.
They made due for close to a year and thought it would be amazing to have a baby.
A week was all the time that thought lasted, but thats all it took.
No insurance, no nothing really.  When Mom was 3 months pregnant with me they moved into an apartment in downtown Portland.  As it turned out, they were in a small block radius where they were testing the effects of health care provided for free to low income families. . .Not only did they (me too) get medical care, they got the best medical care possible.

Over and over this impossible scenario plays itself out in their journey.  They move to Los Angeles for my dads first job and the real estate agent laughs them out of the office when they say they only have $600 for rent each month.  And what happens, we found a cute little house on a gorgeous hill in Torrance.  It had a huge Eucalyptus tree and a fantastic park at the top.  Loved that place. . .

Along side these small miracles ran a regular current of pretty spiky curve balls.  My mom is actually pretty sick, but they dont know why.  (My dad told me recently that he thought my mom was not going to live when we were little kids.)  My Nana and Grandpa split up after about 40 years of marriage.  Regular life crap was definitely present.
But they kept on.  I felt that optimism so strongly as a kid growing up in the Benitez house.  I remember some bad moments, but they were so few in comparison to the times I felt loved unconditionally and reminded over and over that anything is possible.  I really had pretty unbelievable role models for parents.
Dad and Mom at the Polynesian Cultural Center in Hawaii 2005ish
Sort of frightening what a great legacy I have to pass to my kids.  Dont want to mess it up.  I wonder if its a fluke of joy or if my parents making the choice over and over again to be faithful and diligent actually changed the legacy their parents handed them. . .Guess I know the answer, but choices scare me right now, so I am skeptical. =)

I have lost my life (as I once knew it), but gained a faith legacy and I am not letting go.

Cardo and Robin are still good too.  Usually talk to at least one of my parents everyday.  Worst part of DC is them not being here.

Am thinking hair color may be up soon.  Getting a little mousy.  No use being boring!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

quick note on the state of the union

the merissa union.
this was yesterday

this is today.
its better. =)

Island living.

View Larger Map

Now I know why its all so convenient and close.  You cant escape!
Never really occurred to me that living IN the city, would make me feel a little captive.
It is easier to walk or metro somewhere than it is to drive for the most part.  Getting out of the district (to the beltway) takes almost 30 min.  Maybe Google Maps just doesn't know the secret fast way, but every way I try takes me a sweet few. 
I actually live in a very "convenient", very downtown location too.  Central NW DC, means far away from the freeway. 
Most of the time this is genius.  Can walk to Mari and Malia's or even Janet's if I wanted to, but driving out of this place takes for-freaking ever.
Lately, I have taken to escaping late at night.  I caught Ikea ten minutes for closing in College Park last night.
It felt like the great escape too!  How silly. 
Think I am starting to get Rock Fever on the island of the District. . .

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Got to love the bathroom.

         (Best Bathroom Ever!  Mine! At the Shoreline House.  Currently enjoyed by my renters.  See that subway tile on the wall right.  Mom and I did that.  This room used to be where they kept the lawn mower.)

I always have! If there is a bathroom nearby, I want to visit.  Not quite the same in as an intercontinental adventure, but I do love to find a new cool bathroom.  Snickering is not necessary. =)

Seriously, you can do so many therapeutic things in the bathroom. Okay this is going down the wrong path. . .
What I mean, is you get privacy.  Any time, anywhere.  At work, at a business function, birthday party, or just mom's house.  You can take 5 minutes get some solitude, relax and even pray.
When I take a trip to the restroom at work, I always stay a little longer to pray in the stall. It seriously gets me through some of the most maddening moments in middle management hell.

When you are somewhere that you have to be "on" for a crowd or just for work.  Its the one place you can escape to take a pause and put yourself back together without question.  I would venture to say that bathrooms have probably saved me from major public flip out fiestas about 20-30 times in my life.
Aside from blogging, I think bathrooms provide the most therapy.  Again, sorry to psychiatric community.  Just can't do the couch session.  But pray in a public bathroom stall, that I can do.

Just a thought for you next time you think there is no time or solitude.  Spend a few minutes in your favorite bathroom.  Praying, reading, rehashing scenarios.  Lock the door and calm down for a total of 5 minutes.  It totally works.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I'm awake, I'm awake!

Dang, I cannot seem to shut up lately.  Mari says I seem more myself in the Post Disaster world.  I was surprised to hear her say that, since she actually met me after I was already married.  How does she know I am more myself?  That means I was low.   I don't remember feeling really bad, just sort of holding on. Wasn't really even a conscious effort, more like survival mode.  I didn't think thru any of it while it was going on.

I hated being alone all the time.  But I really dont remember feeling terrible. . .

When I was about 14, I fell off a 3 wheel ATV and ripped out the inside of my left calf.  I remember rolling down a hill and getting up.  Thought, "okay that wasn't too bad, I can stand up.  Cool!"  (did I mention I was wearing shorts, flipflops and no helmet. idiot kid.)  I climbed up to the road and looked down to see a lot of flesh hanging out of my leg.  hmmm. . .thats really gross. I walked about a half a mile back to the house and told Heather's stepmom that I probably needed to go to the hospital.
The look on her face was absolute horror!  Not sure what was wrong with me.  Didn't feel anything until the doctor poked me to numb up my leg for stitches.
Always thought I would keel over and die if something so awful every happened to me.  But once again God is fricking amazing.

I had to have been in Shock when I cut my leg so badly.  Can't think of anything traumatic about the experience. . .  I was thinking, why is Heathers mom so nervous? I am alright, for goodness sake. The doctors were super scared to put my leg back together, because my parents weren't there to sign off.  After an hour and a half, they decided hanging calf muscle was worse.  Thank goodness.  sheesh.

I was proud of my nasty stitches and the few they had to put inside to sew my calf muscle back in.  It left a blood red scar the length of my lower left leg.  Didn't stop me.  I would wear shorts whenever possible to show it off.

One of my punk junior high friends asked me one day if I was embarrassed at such a large scar.  No way!  I was pleased to have survived the trauma and lived to tell it.  huh.  I am feeling a parallel here.

I do feel a weight has been lifted from me, especially in the passed month.  Like I just woke up.   The flood gates have opened wide and I just can't seem to get enough.  Where have I been for the last 6 years?
me, janet, mari, and malia - sammie below

These days, I have 4 lovely lady friends that keep me occupied and stacked with plenty to talk about.
5 cute girls can come up with a lot of drama!! Couldn't ask for anything more right now.

God knew just what I needed and I am so grateful.  I just can't keep my mouth closed. =)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Maybe its because I am from Seattle. . .

I have always thought that anyone who played Polo must be a royal snob.  When someone says "Polo" eI envision irritating Virginia Socialites with big hats and a soulless existence built on a spineless, but somehow powerful and wealthy husband.  Love is neither here, nor there. . . .Sorry, I am from the West!  We do not care for pretension and Polo screams pretension. . .I thought.

Last night I sat next to an endearing and rather fun individual.  He introduced himself as Charlie Muldoon and continued to make polite and genuine conversation thru the evening.  When he saw me cocking my neck a bit to see the speaker, he quickly moved his chair so I could see clearly.
During the amazing cultural performances, I saw him take pictures of some of the cooler styles and dances and email them quickly to Mara and Joey.  Almost positive those are his kids.
He was dressed nicely, but it was not Gucci.  He did mention that he lived on a farm out in Maryland where they played Polo.  On occasion he had hosted Ambassadors to engage in a round of Polo. 
My friend Alex (who had invited me to the dinner) asked if he could come out and play Polo, Charlie said "sure, anytime!".  Now Alex does actually work with a Policy Consulting Firm and many of the Embassy's, but he is much younger and maybe a little brash.  I was surprised that he would so easily offer an invitation.
Mr. Muldoon was actually there with his new venture in BioFuels.  Using waste agricultural material to produce usable fuel. Awesome!
He asked me what I did and I explained that I worked for a nonprofit in Bethesda.  As it turns out he works with nonprofit that he really enjoys, called
Looked up his org today.  As it turns out, this is who I was sitting next to at dinner last night. . .

Charlie is one of the top polo pros in the United States. Formerly, 6 goals, he has competed at the highest level of polo nationally and internationally: at the World Cup, the U.S. Open, the Geneva Open (Switzerland), the FIP World Championship (Chile) and the Camera de Deputados.  He also has won the 1999 20-goal Texas Open, and the 2001 26-goal USPA Gold Cup.  With his brother Joe he is a multiple winner of the Monty Waterbury 20-goal.  In 2009 he represented the USA versus the England in the Brian Morrison Memorial Cup, a 20-goal arena match.

In his nonprofit he provides kids ages 12-18 the opportunity to play Polo on his farm.  It sounds sort of lofty, but you know, I think it would be genuinely fantastic to attend.  

You can absolutely never guess who you are sitting next to.  Whether their stature "appears" to be high or low, whether they engage in a round of Polo or not.  People are people and come in sincere and delightful forms in all stations in life.  Think I had almost forgotten that.  Living in DC this past few months, I have run into quite a few stereotypes.  From the unfortunate dude who referred to the Mediterranean Sea as "the Med" about 15 times in one conversation, to the name dropping and assumptions made by pompous White House staffers.
Was beginning to think people here were straight fake, especially in the professional and political sphere.
It may be in some circles, but not at dinner with the Prime Minister of Malaysia last night.
Thanks Charlie for the reminder.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Discernment. . .

Just a little update on the dude dilemma.  Maybe its not so much that I am stressed about dudes.
Maybe its God honing me and helping me gain a better sense of who I am, suited to and attracted to. 
Take this Gentlemen (Emmanuel Adebayor).  Holy Moly.  Yeah, right up my alley.  Okay don't know the guy.  Doubt I ever will, but wow!  He is beautiful. 

So maybe I am not banned from dating, but slowing up to focus on personal repair and seeking a real man-man that is amazing.  Not just some guy who happened to ask me out. I got plenty to do without a boy to interrupt my schedule. Ya know?

Enjoying every step and remembering that God knows exactly what I need and when I need it.  Trying so hard to stay inside God's detailed plan for me.  Don't want to lose this focus!  Feels nice not to doubt my efforts for once. 

For now I am seeking a church, a great gospel choir, and a job that pays the bills in one fell swoop.
I will not be deterred!

As for a dude?  Maybe he will have dreaded (I do mean dreaded. I hate dreads!!!) long hair and maybe he will be name Emmanuel. But he definitely won't be from North Carolina or Tennessee.  =)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Holy Crap.

Yep. I said it.  Holy and Crap.  I realize that is paradoxical term that supposedly does not exist, but I swear to you, it is a fantastic description of my life.
One second things are miraculous and unbelievable and in the next spiraling out of control.

Take today for example.  A beautiful April Sunday in Washington DC.
I got up at a modest hour (around 9.30am). Cleaned up around the kitchen.  Fed the dogs and myself.
And managed to sip hot PG Tips on the sun drenched back porch.  All of this lowering my stress level markedly.

It was about 10.25am and I realized I had missed my opportunity to go to church with Janet.  Starts at 10.45am and I wasn't even out of my jammies yet.
Got a sweet text from Janet and realized late is better than not. However she wasn't going to church this week.  Hmmmm. . .alright, how about National Presbyterian?  Been thinking I would like to catch Mr. Earl Palmer for weeks.  So I made it about 30 min late to the 11am service.  No Earl, but felt brilliant to be somewhere the name of Jesus was spoken repeatedly.  And it happened to be communion Sunday! Perfect.  I am in just the right place spiritually to commune and start fresh.  So great.
Left joyful that I had made the effort, even by myself.  It was gorgeous and sunny.
Called Lili and managed to meet up and have a fun breakfast in G-town.  Great!  The restaurant folks were super slow, so we didn't get out in time for me to run doggies before work.
Fantastic, Malia said she would drag them with her to VA on her trek to give Sam a ride.
Well, to be fair, I conned her, she didn't really offer.  But I was so grateful.  Didn't feel stressed as I gently walked to my Sunday work post and arrived 25 minutes early!
This is all going to so unusually well!!!

Work seems okay. People are less agitated than usual. Which is decent for the apartment leasing business.
I get a call at about 4pm from a Virginia number.  Weird.  I call back to see whats up.  Turns out a nice man named John has found my "pointer" dog (Clyde of course!) near a dead deer in park in Fairfax County.
What the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks?
Poor Malia! She had been brave enough to let the idiot dog off his leash.  He must have smelled the unfortunate deer from the entrance of the park.  Malia said they walked for 20 minutes before Clyde took off. He ran so far she couldn't even hear him barking incessantly at the deer.
For 40 minutes she searched.  Called mom near tears.  I got her for a second and texted her John's number. She was able to talk with him for 2 seconds before her joyous iphone lost power.  All he said was, "do you know where the waterfall is?". . .

Picture of the Perpetrator
Clyde the Ridiculous
See those tags?  They saved his life today.

Back in Columbia Heights, I am praying they can connect.  I can't believe this man is waiting with my ridiculous wild animal.  Thank you Lord so much!  Was praying for Malia, that she would find him and that John was single. He sounded cute. =)
Well John was cute, but not single.  Malia did make connections and John called to say Clyde was back with Malia.  Thank you God.  Really.
I am not sure what to do to thank someone like that.  Know I would do the same, but he really had to wait with this silly barking dog. . .Guess I will just pray for him to be blessed.  I know God can think of something, besides a date with Malia. . .
What must have been Clyde's greatest moment of adventure was Miss Lili's total terror.
I feel terrible.  Hope she can forgive the silly dude dog and his owner.

The Man in My Life.  . . 
I have asked God to help me step back from worrying about being alone. (ie stop worrying about dudes).  I sort of have.  Today, all of the sudden, even the thought of dating or a boy who is interested (there is one) makes want to hyperventilate.  Is this God?  Or am I just really tired from working 7 days a week?  Who knows!  Whatever it is, its working.  I don't want an interested fellow within a mile of me.
Although, I am attending an interesting dinner with the Prime Minister of Malaysia on Tuesday and a dude.  Don't worry, I will get some pics!

Lots of Holy.  Lots of Crap.  My life is so diverse. . .

Monday, April 5, 2010

So I can't seem to stop crying. . .

guess this picture isn't very indicative.  but i wanted to remember happy, not sad.  yesterday was easter and i loved it.  malia hosted a brilliant and beautiful brunch.  but somehow it reminded me so much of how alone i am these days.
you know what i mean.  not alone, but feels so lonely.  i think i have more friends now than ever before, but everything is new.  today i hated that everything was new.  i even for a brief moment thought i would be better if things could back to being the same, even though it was bad.  at least it was familiar.  i am so worn out of everything new.
i want my real life back.  this one is so cool, but feels fake.  like i am living in a movie or story book.
i have a job interview next week.  maybe if i am rich, i will feel better.  you never know.
God help me to feel comfortable in this place for awhile.  i know this is where i belong for now.  just want to feel like there is a definite purpose for me. like i am not just a run away, far from home with no purpose other than escape.
going to sleep so i can wake up and run again.  at least i will have an endorphin rush on the way to work. . .

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Best Funeral I ever went to!

Mom, Aunt Janet (pictured above) and me got a call on a Thursday that Aunt Betty had passed.  It was awful.  Especially since I really dont remember much about Betty.  I know that Mom spent a good portion of her childhood summers with Betty on her ranch in Goldendale.  She told me about one time when everyone in her family was packing up to leave.  So she ran upstairs to throw her clothes in a bag.  When she came back, Betty was waving goodbye to my Nana and all my mom's sisters and brother.  Nana had decided to leave Mom with Betty for a little bit longer because and her and my Grandpa were working like crazy in different areas.  No one was around to watch little Miss Robin.  
Mom and Betty Painted the house and did all kinds of projects around the farm.  Taking care of the cows and licking salt licks.  Yuck.  
Somewhere there is a darling letter written by my Mom to her Mommy (Nana), explaining how terribly disappointed she was to be left behind.  Think I will have to scan that in soon. . .

Anyway! The funeral.  Honestly, it was a strange dull time period in our lives.  I remember I was really unhappy at work (now theres a shocking element!) and was literally praying for something to break lose.  Mom called and said that Betty had passed away.  I was shocked. Betty seemed like such a die hard (okay not the best word choice, but you know what I mean).  Apparently, she even drove herself to the hospital while she was having a heart attack.  Sadly, it wasn't enough and God called Betty home to relax for awhile after a long hard journey.
I decided to go with Mom because I didn't want her to be alone, but obviously a welcome release from a terrible job.  Funerals are always excusable reason to leave work and not come back for a few days.
And Aunt Janet came too!  She wanted to help drive and I am guessing a little bit of adventure too.  
We set out around 7pm, drove 70 miles the wrong direction and landed at a fantastic 60s motel near Goldendale around 1am. All I remember is that the lady at the front desk was Korean and she had a picture of her son who was doing his mandatory service in Korea. Mom tried to speak to her in Korean of course.  Always a little embarrassing, but now that I think about it, maybe amazing.  Can't imagine being Korean and living out in this desolate part of Eastern Washington. 
The memorial was set for the afternoon on a windy hillside in some of the most beautiful plains I have ever seen in Washington State.
Since we didn't have to rush, we went to breakfast at this hilarious diner that was owned and operated by an obviously Cantonese family, out of a seriously Saloon oriented building.  Complete with swinging front doors.  I ordered breakfast and it came with an actual tub of Country Crock margarine.  Aunt Janet made the unfortunate choice of ordering Chinese food.  Which seemed to be dialed into a strange American aimed flavor.  It was nasty.  The irony of the restaurant, the funny family complete with one English speaking and doofy teenage son was almost more that we could take.  We laughed way too loud and at all the wrong moments throughout the meal.  We did manage to pay and leave without an escort.  Only had about 30 minutes until we needed to start making our way.  So we found several junky but interesting antique stores.  As we thought, just have to look for the deals!  I found a set of 3 Swedish ladderback chairs for $20!  Love those things.  Beautiful  blonde hardwood. . . ahh. . .stuck in storage in Phoenix.  I digress. . .
Cannot remember what all we bought, but the back of Mom's van was packed full of furniture and finds that took longer than 30 minutes to procure.  Oops!  Late as usual.  I am sure they wouldn't be running on time either.  EEEEhhhh. Wrong. Did you know that country folks don't run late?  Oops again.
We pulled up to the memorial on a hillside.  The prettiest I had ever seen, complete with cylindrical bails of hay spotted on the hillside. Impossible to hide as the service had begun exactly on time, 30 minutes ago.  We were nearly giddy with all the antique finds and ridiculous chinese diner experience.  They probably thought we had been drinking.  Oh well.  The crowd was so somber, but the message was good.  I  couldn't help but notice how super sad everyone was and couldn't yank myself into somber death mode.  Betty wasn't old enough to die, but surely she was with Jesus.  These folks seemed to have forgotten that part or maybe they just didn't eat breakfast at the same restaurant. 
The whole time the three of us never seemed to lose our spirit of joy and honest happiness.  I felt terribly guilty.  But we just kept laughing, even at the memorial meal.  We couldn't stay too long, we were just too happy.  We did manage to cavort with Betty's kids and a brief interlude with her creepy husband.  Then we were on our way driving back toward the Columbia River thru the hills that Betty had tended for so long.  Such a beautiful and extremely rough place to live. So close to the river; there was constant strong wind at your face.  According to mom, that is sort of how Betty was herself.  A little rough, with a strong wind, but somehow so loving and brave, you always wanted to be near her.  
To this day, I remember feeling vividly happy and joyful on the day of Betty's memorial.   Mom, me and Aunt Janet shared some of the most valuable time ever and all on a trip to nowhere's ville for a funeral.   Just goes to show that beloved and amazing people make for an amazing and beloved life.  I think Betty would have snickered right along with us all day!  Thank you Jesus for you care here and in heaven forever.