Saturday, April 24, 2010

Unreasonable Hope. A.K.A. Faith

Disneyland circa 1984.  Malia you are the coolest sister ever. That look is priceless!

This happens every time I try to write about some bitterness, God gives me some silly happiness that I can't ignore.  So instead of blah, blah, blah life sucks, long term happiness with a side of faith is on the menu. . .

Was talking to a friend this week about the legacies our parents give us; whether we like it or not.
Mom and Dad both had beautifully created humans for parents, but not the best familial recipes growing up.  Yet their story is so good, its not just incredible, its incredulous.

Once upon 1976, there was 17 year old surfer dude living in Waianae, Hawaii.
He pretty much lived to surf.  In fact when the school bus drove by the beach, if the surf was decent, he would bag school and head to waves.
Meanwhile, in Tacoma, Washington a pretty girl was graduating high school early and completing her Dental Assistant Certification. When she graduated her parents bought her a one way ticket to Oahu to stay with her sister, Charlotte and her family.

Charlotte lived in Waianae too and went to church with the surfer dude.  She really liked him for some reason.  So when she went to get her sister (Robin) from the airport, she invited him along.
Being the teenager that he was, he brought another girl, just in case.
But when he (Ricardo) saw Robin, he told the other girl that she and he were strictly friends.
Two weeks later, Cardo and Robin were engaged at 17.
Sound like a Lifetime movie?  Dont worry, they are just my parents.

And good ones they have been for the past 31 years.  Anytime I ever tell anyone about how my parents met and how young they were when they got married; their answer is, "well it was such a different time back then".  Really? Crazy decisions made in the 70's fall under some kind of protection against failure law? 
Am thinking not.  So whats the difference. . .

They were able to accomplish everything they needed.  Wasn't always in order, but it always worked out.
My dad enrolled in College and my mom found a job as a Dental Assistant on the Island.
They made due for close to a year and thought it would be amazing to have a baby.
A week was all the time that thought lasted, but thats all it took.
No insurance, no nothing really.  When Mom was 3 months pregnant with me they moved into an apartment in downtown Portland.  As it turned out, they were in a small block radius where they were testing the effects of health care provided for free to low income families. . .Not only did they (me too) get medical care, they got the best medical care possible.

Over and over this impossible scenario plays itself out in their journey.  They move to Los Angeles for my dads first job and the real estate agent laughs them out of the office when they say they only have $600 for rent each month.  And what happens, we found a cute little house on a gorgeous hill in Torrance.  It had a huge Eucalyptus tree and a fantastic park at the top.  Loved that place. . .

Along side these small miracles ran a regular current of pretty spiky curve balls.  My mom is actually pretty sick, but they dont know why.  (My dad told me recently that he thought my mom was not going to live when we were little kids.)  My Nana and Grandpa split up after about 40 years of marriage.  Regular life crap was definitely present.
But they kept on.  I felt that optimism so strongly as a kid growing up in the Benitez house.  I remember some bad moments, but they were so few in comparison to the times I felt loved unconditionally and reminded over and over that anything is possible.  I really had pretty unbelievable role models for parents.
Dad and Mom at the Polynesian Cultural Center in Hawaii 2005ish
Sort of frightening what a great legacy I have to pass to my kids.  Dont want to mess it up.  I wonder if its a fluke of joy or if my parents making the choice over and over again to be faithful and diligent actually changed the legacy their parents handed them. . .Guess I know the answer, but choices scare me right now, so I am skeptical. =)

I have lost my life (as I once knew it), but gained a faith legacy and I am not letting go.

Cardo and Robin are still good too.  Usually talk to at least one of my parents everyday.  Worst part of DC is them not being here.

Am thinking hair color may be up soon.  Getting a little mousy.  No use being boring!


  1. I loved this post.
    I feel like I too got to share a piece of this legacy too. Aunt Robin and Uncle Cardo are a big part of why I am still married to Richard... because even though life can be total crap and chaos, they are making it through. It is imperfect and messy, but they are together. The time I spent living in their home was some of the happiest of my life. I felt loved, safe, and protected. I cried myself to sleep for a long time when I had to go. I've never told them that, maybe I should...

    They are what we all have to aspire too...
    sinners who love each other and who let Jesus do the rest.

    I love you.

  2. I so needed this today. Thanks!

  3. I love you guys. What an amazing family I have, you two!

  4. Thank you Merissa. This is the first time I heard you tell this story; it sounds wonderful.

    And Jerusha, now you are going to make me cry!


  5. Thank you Merrisa. I love them too.

  6. I can honestly say I also share in so many blessings that your family have shared, and amazing impact you have all had on my life. Many of best memories have been made with A.robin & U.Cardo and both of you Ladies! Thier home no matter where it was always felt like My Home too! I am so lucky to have such an amazing family!!!! LOVE you ALL!
