Friday, August 20, 2010

I hate marathons.

Hola.  Most all is in a rather good state.  But dude, if I dont get some chill time and an extra paycheck soon.  I might just die.  Maybe I need to take a better multivitamin or something.
Work is pretty amazing as far as business goes.
Maybe its cause I see no end in sight.  I have a pretty clear idea where I would like to be in the next stage and how I would like to work, but when will I see the possibilities for that open door? I need that to keep running this path and could really use one those tvs right in front of this treadmill.

The guy at Au Bon Pain said I looked like I had a long week and even bought me a cookie to go with my lunch.
Sad, do I look that bad? Feeling the pressure.  Realizing this chase has a limited life time.  Praying I have the stamina to do it.

Beautiful Walter Pics from my event with Shoot for Change at Puro Cafe last night.  More to come. =)

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, could you two be more beautiful? You don't look bad, love! Chin up, young person. We'll make it - promise.
